Cabin Fever

I have had my fill of rain. Actually it takes very little to get me full of bad weather. Like my grandmother before me, I am a spring-summer girl. I love it hot and dry. But lately it’s been either cold or wet or worse, both. We haven’t had any snow yet, but the rain and fog are enough.

Today hubby is trying to get me motivated to work on the powder room. He has #1 caulking windows, and I have #2 cleaning up the kitchen. I just did a coat of paint in the powder room and am resting while it dries. Hopefully the next coat will be the last, but if not, I can always do one more top coat. The paint is a light spring green, and it’s very bright. I haven’t been able to find a rug to match it yet. The tiles are on order and should be in this week. They are white. We are putting up a crown molding of roses, that #2 will paint pink with green leaves to match the walls, so I may use the pink as an accent color in the room for the rug.

I am ready to go back to work next week, not because of the work, but because of the routine. When I am home, I just waste so much time, but when we are at school and work, if I have 5 minutes, I do ten minutes of work. I accomplish far more during the school year than during our breaks. I am bored with genealogy, tired of home improvement and if the house wasn’t basically already clean, we’d be in big trouble, because I can’t even get motivated to organize or straighten the house today.

I blame my melancholy on “Marley and Me.” Hubby and I went to see it last night. SPOILER ALERT: The following will give away some of the plot.

Add in two more miscarriages, change the dog to a series of cats, and remove the move to PA, and basically this movie was the story of our life. We both commented that it was like watching our whole lives flash before our eyes in two hours. Even down to the promise to not have more kids for a while, and then here comes #3. (She was planned and later than I wanted though. 🙂 )

But the ending of the movie was so sad, and too close to home, since we lost our own kitty, Farcus in July. He’d been sick for a while, and that morning he just couldn’t recover. Hubby and #1 took him to the vets, but he didn’t make it out of the driveway. Watching Marley last night reminded me of all the emotions I felt last summer as our baby lost his fight with death, and died after 13 years of pouncing on anything that moved.

So yes, the movie, the rain, the boredom, it’s all catching up with me today. I want to just run. In high school when something bothered me, I would just run. The road we lived on was gravel and 1/2 mile from the main road. I would just head out running and when I got to the main road, I would just run back. Now I haven’t run in years and it was far to wet and rainy to start again last night. But I had that same desire to just run until I hit that runner’s high. Today I have that same feeling. Just a desire to run and run and run.

It has to be the weather. I never feel this way in summer when running would be easy. I am restless, and bored. I am ready for spring, yet the fool squirrels around here keep setting aside nuts for winter. Don’t they know that spring is on it’s way? Why do they seem to think we are in for more cold weather? Yup, I think I have a bad case of cabin fever. Only 118 days until May Day!

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